Cograts!  Here are the revised versions of your films.  Your notes have been addressed and descriptions of the edits are included under the films below.  Color grading has not been done yet, and will be performed during the next round of edits.  Please watch these versions closely with all decision makers on your team and make notes of your final edits. Thanks, and don't forget to have fun!

Edits: Voiceover has been shortened, bringing the video from 4:01 to 3:31. Unless you would like to cut any of his lines, this is about as tight as the edit can be.

Edits: 1 picture of an older version of ESYB toolshed added. 1 image of other toolshed added. If you would like a 2nd or 3rd added, please send us additional pictures.   1 picture of volunteers building toolshed added.  More kinds of tools and kids working with tools were added. Selection process of tools was already in the previous cut.

Edits: 1 picture of compost row history added.  Many shots and a whole sequence cut/replaced of the girl who was in too much of the previous cut.  The first of the two sections of FBI footage was cut.  It is necessary to include the whole section of FBI at the end.  We do not currently have footage of data labs with compost.  Adding VO is out of scope.  Video cut down to 3:49.